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9-11 - Damage Control

The crime of 9-11 was not a one day crime.  It was planned for years and perhaps decades before-hand.

Afterwards, damage control began immediately.  This involved the continued control of site logistics.  For example, the huge pile of scrap metal was bundled up and quickly sold off to smelters in East Asia.

Contrast that response with the response to the shootdown of TWA Flight 800 in 1998  - all of most of the pieces that were recovered were moved to a warehouse for study by forensic scientists.

Why did 9-11 - one of the biggest crimes in human history, judging by the additional crimes it has been used to justify (the US occupation of Iraq & Afghanistan - not receive the same forensics treatment as TWA Flight 800 ?

One would think that the debris pile would be studied "in situ" (right there at Ground Zero), then eventually moved to a location big enough to store a few hundred thousand tons of steel.

In addition to site logistics, there are also the responses of media management and "9-11 truth group" management.

Media management is fairly obvious.  For example, on the day of 9-11, a group of 5 Israeli men were witnessed raucously celebrating at a park in Bergen Park, New Jersey, at a location directly overlooking the WTC site.  They were taken into custody, and the news story at that point was reported by the local Bergen Park newspaper.

However, the news story about the "dancing Israeli's" was subsequently scrubbed from the Bergen Park newspaper.  It can be found archived on various websites around the Internet.

That is what I mean by media management.  Although, that relates to a newspaper and a website - most of the media management occurs in the media that get the most viewership - television & the Internet.

Therefore I will discuss the management of 9-11 truth by the "US government" (I use the term loosely, the Israeli government is at this point inextricably intertwined with the US government.)

I participated in the San Francisco 9-11 Truth group for a while.  I could be more specific; however, I shall refrain from doing so.

The San Francisco 9-11 Truth Group is run by a woman named Carol Brouillet.

From participating in meetings led by Carol, it became very obvious that the SF 9-11 Truth Group had an agenda which pre-existed its formation.  At meetings, certain very relevant topics were avoided - Carol guided the conversation away from them, or called for a break when the conversation got too interesting.

But one of the most interesting things about Carol is her table at Lytton Plaza in Palo Alto, which she has freely admitted setting up every Wednesday since 9-11.

That's a lot of Wednesdays.  I have met a lot of activists, but I have never met an activist so regular in their activities as Carol.

The only time I am so regular is when I am paid to be regular.

In short, I left the SF 9-11 Truth Group because I did not want to be baby-sat by the US government.

In other words, Carol Brouillet is a Plant.  She may be a nice person, she may be well-organized, she may be any number of commendable things - but she works for the government.  You will get some 9-11 Truth in meetings led by Carol.  You will also get your name on a list maintained by a US government employee - and you will be barred from discussing some of the more distressing aspects of 9-11.

That is what I mean by "damage control".

The 9-11 Perpetrators implemented a full-spectrum damage control team even before 9-11; that is the only way it could "hit the ground rolling" on about September 12, 2001.

I got a glimpse of the front-end of this team in October, 1994.  I interviewed for a technical position with Pacific Bell.  The person I interviewed with worked for a government intelligence agency, as did the other people in the work room where the interview started.

Also, this group was initiating the same information gathering technology spelled out in the Patriot Act - and they were doing it in 1994.

That's what I call preparation.

Another piece of the iceberg became visible with Mark Klein's whistleblower lawsuit against AT&T.

 Washington Post on Mark Klein's W
histleblower Lawsuit


Obviously, I don't know exactly what "they" were preparing for in 1994.  Quite simply, the telephone company - staffed with employees who worked for government intelligence agencies - was setting in place the infrastructure to wiretap the entire state of California.

My guess is, they were preparing for something big.

One of the things that was distinctly odd about that tour of a telephone company facility was that there were very few human beings in a large office building.  It was all managers & government contractors.  It raised hairs on the back of my neck - it was like science fiction.  The interview occurred in an ultra-modern building that was unlike most corporate headquarters.  There was no receptionist.  There were a minimum of people coming & going.

One other example of damage control that most people interested in 9-11 have experienced is the accusation of being a "conspiracy theorist", and/or a "tinfoiler", and/or "batshit insane".  The same media that performs 9-11 damage control even came out a few years ago and announced a study alleging to prove that people who believe conspiracy theories are "more prone to mental illness."

Given how terrified Americans are of any whispering that they may be "mentally ill", that was obviously a clever technique for moving the masses away from thinking too hard about the lies their government tells them.

Of course, for those who were of a certain age at the time of 9-11, it is more obvious that the official government story about 9-11 is itself a Whopper of a Conspiracy Theory.  A 48 story building (WTC7) is demolished on the afternoon of 9-11, and not one single "news-person" asks the obvious question - how did they set it up for demolition so quickly ?

Getting back to the subject of controlling 9-11 Truth groups, I would be negligent not to mention Alex Jones, Infowars.com, and PrisonPlanet.com

Alex Jones popped up shortly after 9-11, purporting to "tell the truth" - on a website loaded with ads.  My own gut feeling for the guy was - he is not genuine.  I have since had a chance to listen to a few of his broadcasts (I have a friend who likes Alex Jones), and it is obvious that Alex Jones has a tendency to exaggerate (e.g. he stated that Israel has 400 to 800 nuclear weapons - the first time I had ever heard that figure.  The normal count for the number of weapons in the nuclear arsenal (that Israel denies possessing) is 150-200.

In that same interview, it was also shortly after the G-20 meeting in Pennsylvania.  So Alex was repeating (over and over, without any depth) the "news story" about the police using sonic weapons on a 9-year-old boy.

In short, Alex Jones has a tendency to exaggerate (and thereby mis-report) the facts, in a manner that is consistent with the use of the term "scare tactics".

Given that the actual facts are quite scary enough, my personal preference is to get them straight.  If I am going to worry, I want to worry accurately.

In summary, I am saying that both Alex Jones and Carol Brouillet are examples of "9-11 Truth Group Government Shills", but, with distinctions.  I never found that Carol lied about anything - merely that she kept certain facts from being discussed, by her steering of 9-11 Truth Group meetings.

Contrastingly, Alex Jones literally lies.  To this date, I am not aware that he has substantiated either of the claims that I heard him make - that Israel has 400-800 nuclear weapons, and that the G20 police used sonic weapons on 9-year old boys.

Obviously, one of the effects of Alex Jones' exaggerations is to make people upset - and to walk around mis-reporting the facts.

In summary, I have presented a number of categories of 9-11 damage control, used by the American & Israeli governments in service of one of the largest false flag attacks in human history -
1.  Evidence Destruction (the melting down of WTC steel before forensic scientists had a chance to study it)
2.  Media Management (control of mainstream & alternative media, in addition to 9-11 Truth Groups).
3.  Surveillance Infrastructure - described in more detail on the "Silverstein Mafia" page, and corroborated by my own anecdotal experience interviewing with the telephone company in 1994 - interviewing with the same crew that Mark Klein blew the whistle on many years later.
