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War Game Management. 4 to 5 war games were conducted by the US military on 9-11. This is an unusually large number of military exercises to have on one day. Those war games were coordinated out of Dick Cheney's office. Scooter Libby/ nee Leibowitz worked in Dick Cheney's office. The 9-11 researcher that I think has done the most original research into the subject of 9-11 wargames is, Michael Ruppert. Now, Mike has done something that many Americans would find offensive. He has decided to recommend the biggest pieces of evidence of 9-11 - the smoking debris pile & dust cloud, the fact of the demolitions. By so doing, he attempts to leave the pointer pointing at Dick Cheney's office. Certainly, Dick Cheney was complicit in 9-11, but he did not manage the site logistics or the demolition. Dick Cheney was certainly a loyal member of the team. By advocating that we ignore the site logistics, the physical evidence, and the cover-up, Ruppert is giving a huge "Pass" - essentially, a "Get out of Jail free" card - to the 9-11 perpetrators. I understand from personal experience that being a whistleblower can be extremely stressful. I understand Ruppert's desire to not be active as a 9-11 historian. So the paradox is, one of the critical pieces of 9-11 investigation was performed by someone who advises ignoring a humongous amount of evidence. Suffice it to say that I respect Ruppert's work, But - his decision to use his influence to stop the investigation of 9-11 has the effect of helping the 9-11 perpetrators. Just as 9-11 is unthinkable, life is full of paradoxes. The war-game management on 9-11is important to the subject of 9-11 because the war-games had the effect of officially moving American military resources away from the site of 9-11 - the Boston-New York air corridor. In fact, military resources were quite available. On local television in the Pennsylvania/ New Jersey area, they had an interview with a retired vet who saw Flight 93 fly over his farm. He testified that it was followed by an unmarked fighter jet. He said that a minute later, he heard a massive explosion. That is worth going into, I'm just making the point that the US government claims to have lacked the resources to shoot down the planes that hit the World Trade Center. That is a false claim. They had the resources, and they demonstrated that in the Shoot-down of Flight 93. Ruppert's book where he goes into http://www.amazon.com/Crossing-Rubicon-Decline-American-Empire/dp/0865715408 In case you want to buy it somewhere else, or in case someone has put it online, here is a link to Google with the search-words "crossing the rubicon michael ruppert". Google.com search - crossing+the+rubicon+michael+ruppert I found that the book was very difficult reading. I read it cover to cover, but I could only absorb about 2 pages at a time. I highly recommend the book, but remember - the war-games were only one facet of 9-11. |