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Overlap - 9-11 Perpetrators = Credit Crisis Perpetrators ? While this website started out as a discussion of 9-11 and the perpetrators of 9-11, I perceive that it is appropriate to mention the "credit crisis". By "credit crisis", I am referring to the banking and financial industry problems that became highly visible in 2007 and continue to this day. The perpetrators of 9-11 include the following groups - * Zionist Jews in New York City * the US government The perpetrators of the banking crisis include the following groups - * Zionist Jews in New York City & London * the US government That's what I call "overlap". It is obvious that the US government is being looted by the financial services industry. I say this because the US government is paying for the bail-out of an industry that just had a decade of all-time record profits. The recent banking losses worldwide are estimated to be in the range of $2 to $4 Trillion. These losses were taken in the period 2007 to present (2010). What was going on in the financial services industry from 1997 to 2007 ? They were making many more $Trillions. The profits "on the way up" far exceed the recent losses. Additionally, as perhaps best described by Karl Denninger at his Market Ticker website - http://market-ticker.denninger.net/ A considerable amount of criminal activity was and is associated with the credit derivatives industry. I am referring to fraud in the mis-representation of mortage-backed securities, by the banking industry in New York. The significant percentage of New York bankers are Jewish. At least 50% of the high-level managers of the large finance companies (Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, etc.) are Jewish. A highly influential group of Zionist Jews in New York City were the leaders of and among the prime beneficiaries of the Credit Derivatives scams of the 1990's and 2000's. A highly influential group of Zionist Jews in New York City and Israel were the leaders of and among the prime beneficiaries of the attacks of 9-11. It looks to me like there was a humongous crime wave that started in New York City, and extends to the rest of American. The visible parts of this crime wave are the credit crisis and 9-11. The preponderance of Zionist Jews at both crime scenes leads most alert investigators to the valid question - does Larry Silverstein do lunch with Jamie Dimon ? In other words, do the 9-11 perpetrators have significant business and social dealings with the American financial services industry ? I know that the answer is Yes. |